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BannerAlz- Behaviors & Communication: The Language of Dementia- Virtual

Mountain Standard Time | Arizona

The communication changes that accompany dementia can present a host of challenges. As verbal language fades, nonverbal and behavior become more prominent methods to express thoughts, wants and needs. Review common changes that occur and learn strategies that can be easily utilized to promote understanding.

In order to participate in this event, you must have an internet connection, a computer and/or a phone.

Registration is FREE but required to obtain the ZOOM connection Information and phone number.

ZOOM information will be sent to when you register.

Walk-in's not permitted; registration is required.

To provide valued comments or feedback, please call Deidra Colvin at (602) 839-6850.

12/05/2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Zoom Meeting
Add to My Calendar 12/5/2024 10:00:00 AM 12/5/2024 11:00:00 AM BannerAlz- Behaviors & Communication: The Language of Dementia- Virtual Zoom Meeting