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Womens Servicios en Banner Del E Webb Medical Center

Excellence in Women’s Health

At Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center, you’ll receive total women’s health care in the Louisa Kellam Center for Women’s Health. Our team of doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners and lab techs puts you at the center of everything we do.

What Women’s Health Care Might I Need?

Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center - Louisa Kellam Center for Women’s Health provides women’s health services that include:

  • Bone health including bone density testing
  • Breast care
  • Breast imaging including 3-D mammograms, MRIs and ultrasounds
  • Gynecology care
  • Maturing woman care including menopause and urinary incontinence
  • Maternity care

Specialty women’s health services we provide include:

  • Breast-specific gamma imaging
  • Ultrasound-guided breast biopsy and stereotactic biopsy
  • Ductogram
  • Needle localization
  • Breast cyst aspiration
  • Gynecologic surgery

We offer a patient navigator to help women whose mammograms reveal possible problems through the next steps.

Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center’s Louisa Kellam Center for Women’s Health is designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American College of Radiology.