After 40: Women’s Nutrition and Metabolism Needs


They say 40 is the new 30, thanks to healthier habits. 

Yet, women (like men) continue to struggle with weight and other medical concerns as they enter their 40s. Both your nutritional needs (food and water) and your metabolism (how fast your body converts food to energy) change at this age. Your metabolism gets slower. Women lose about half a pound of muscle per year starting around the age of 40. That makes losing weight even more difficult. Some of these changes that women experience are due to decreased hormones, reduced activity level, and medical conditions.

What you eat is even more important as you enter your 40s. Women need protein (meat, fish, dairy, beans, and nuts), carbohydrates (whole grains), fats (healthy oils), vitamins, minerals, and water. These foods have been linked to some disease prevention, such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. The American Academy of Family Physicians supports the development of healthy food supply chains in supplemental nutrition programs to broaden the availability of healthy food.
