Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Welcome to New Provider Orientation

We would like to extend a warm welcome on behalf of Administration and Medical Staff at Banner Goldfield and Ironwood Medical Centers. These facilities became a Unified Medical Staff on January 10, 2019.  Physicians/Providers must still apply and be granted privileges at each of the facilities due to the difference of services offered at the medical centers.

We value you as a partner to work together in furthering our mission of making health care easier, so life can be better.  We welcome your involvement as we cultivate a positive environment of people, passion and purpose with all team members for our patients, health care workers and associates.

We look forward to you sharing your expertise and ideas by participation in Medical Staff meetings and encourage you to become involved in other activities.

This orientation has been developed to provide you with valuable information regarding how to navigate through our facilities and find the people who can assist you. Please review this information below as well as the following:

We are here, along with Medical Staff Services, to ease your transition to our campuses and look forward to an exciting journey together!


Robert Gardner, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer

R. Scott Kinkade, MD
Chief of Staff

Identification badges are required on all Banner Health campuses. Stop by the Security Department obtain your ID badge:

  • Upon completion of the credentialing and privileging process, you will need to provide a legible government-issued ID card (current driver’s license, military ID or passport) to Security.
  • Physicians, Advanced Practice Professional, allied health professionals, residents, and students must wear a Banner identification badge on the upper right side of the torso (not at the waist) while on campus to:  
    • Access restricted areas
    • Provide identity verification for patients, staff and others

If your badge is temporarily misplaced, the Security Department will issue a temporary day badge that must be returned at the end of the day.


Banner Ironwood
Covered parking is located within two different parking lots just south of the medical center and entry into the hospital from parking is through the employee entrance.

Banner Goldfield
Covered parking is located on the north side of the hospital.  

Provider Lounge 

Banner Ironwood
The provider lounge is a private cafe for all Medical Staff members, Students, Residents & Fellows. The lounge is located on the first floor, just south of the Roadrunner Café, through the restricted doors, across the hall from service elevators. 

The provider lounge offers hot breakfast and lunch, as well as snacks throughout the day. Breakfast is served Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. and Lunch is served Monday – Friday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. 

Meals may be obtained from the Roadrunner Café only after 2:00 p.m. on weekdays and all-day weekends. Charges in the cafeteria will be allowed up to the amount of Five Dollars ($5) per meal, during these designated hours and weekends. Any amount over the $5 limit will be the responsibility of the Medical Staff member, Student, Resident or Fellow.

Banner Goldfield
The employee lounge contains vending machines with pre-packaged items, made fresh from our culinary team and our vendors. A pre-paid card is available in the Emergency  Department and the Hospitalist Office to obtain and utilize. To refill the balance, please call Medical Staff Office at 480-394-4066.


Direct admits for all Banner facilities
Call Banner Transfer Services at (602) 839-4444 

Banner Ironwood and Goldfield Medical Centers provides in-house hospitalist coverage for patients. Hospitalists provide acute inpatient care 24/7, assisting providers on admission and discharge, as well as coordinate care for inpatients during their hospital stay. 

If you are looking to schedule a test or a procedure for your patient, we have direct contact numbers available for you and your staff to make it as easy as possible.  
Specialty areas that have direct numbers include:

  • Banner Outpatient procedures, including medical imaging, PICC line insertions and ECHO at (480) 684-7500 
  • BIMC OB procedures, C-sections and labor inductions 
  • Surgical Cases in Main Operating Rooms — Day of and future surgeries (480) 394-4200 
  • Endoscopy - Day of and future procedures (480) 394-4200
  • BIMC Ambulatory Treatment Unit for Infusion Therapy (480) 394-4485  

Pre-Operative orders for surgical cases performed in the main OR shall be entered electronically into the clinical information system the business day prior to scheduled surgery.  Pre-Operative orders for non-OR cases shall be entered prior to the patient presenting to facility.  The Medical Center will not perform any pre-surgical testing except on the specific electronic order of the physician. Section 7.3 Medical Staff Rules and Regulations

Banner provides patients with online pre-registration. This secure, online system allows patients to pre-register for scheduled visits in advance, at their convenience, from home or office.

  • Pre-registration must be submitted 48 hours prior to visit. 
  • Contact Patient Registration Department at 

To protect our patients, staff and visitors, Banner Health facilities have extensive plans in place for emergency management. Regular meetings and drills are conducted to ensure the facility is ready to face any potential internal or external threat.

Emergency codes are located on the back of your name badge or in your department’s red safety manual. When a code is called, please don’t take for granted that it’s a drill. Always assume it’s the real thing! View our Staff Emergency Instructions Guide.

Physician/APP Role in Emergency Management

1. What is Emergency Management?
The role of Banner’s Emergency Management department is to help prevent/mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from scheduled and unscheduled events which could adversely affect our staff, facilities or our ability to provide patient care.

2. How does Emergency Management work at Banner?
Banner uses the hospital incident command system (HICS) during all incidents and events. The hospital command center (HCC) is normally in the administrative board room unless otherwise stated. The program is overseen by the Emergency Management Department. 

3. What is the role of the physician during a disaster?
Primarily that of treatment in the various treatment areas. There may be other duties directed by the CMO and/or medical staff leadership.

4. Who would the physician contact at the hospital during an emergency?  How?
The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and notify the medical staff office of your availability.

5. How would the physician be contacted if a disaster occurred?
The medical staff office will contact you in the event of a disaster.

6. What disaster training is available for physicians?
Specific emergency management training is available through the Banner Learning Center. For additional resources contact the Emergency Management Coordinator.

7. Where should the physician go to during a disaster?
Report to Medical Staff Services for assignment.  

8 .How can physicians become more involved with the Emergency Management?
Physicians are encouraged to attend the emergency management meetings and participate in the various exercises.

9. Where can physicians go for more resources about Emergency Management, disaster response and preparedness?
There are numerous resources on family and office preparedness on the Banner website or Banner Intranet site, available for download. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the Emergency Management Department at 602-747-2871 

Banner Goldfield and Banner Ironwood Medical Centers offer the following language services for Limited English Proficient (LEP) patients:

  • Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) for American Sign Language (ASL) and other languages available 24/7 
  • Over-the-Phone interpretation services available in more than 160 languages (Cyracom blue phones) available 24/7 
  • (TDD/TDY) equipment to support hearing impaired needs available 24/7

Interpretation by patient's family, friends, or untrained staff members is prohibited. 

Reach out to your nurse or Health Unit Secretary to connect you with these services. BIMC/BGFMC offers these services because patients have the right to receive care and discuss healthcare information in the language of their preference. 

Federal Law, such as Title VI of the Civil Right Act, and The Joint Commission state that we have to take reasonable steps to help Limited English Proficient patients. When we do not abide by these standards, it can be construed as violating the law, this is called “National Origin Discrimination.” Moreover, Banner Policy 9494 on Interpreter Services, states that Professional Medical Interpreters should be used instead of any bilingual staff or family member.  Professional Interpreters are subject to specific codes of conduct, standards of practice, and are well-trained in the skills, ethics, and subject-matter language.

All Banner facilities utilize electronic medical records only. Medical Records, or Health Information Management Services (HIMS), can be reached by email or telephone.

HIMS contact numbers:

  • HIMS (General): (480) 394-4149
  • Dictation/Transcription: (602) 747-3700 Enter 2-digit facility code (BGF 74; BIMC 75) followed by the # sign.
  • Enter user ID followed by the # sign. Your unique Banner ID Number can be obtained from Medical Staff Services at (480) 394-4066.
  • Dragon Dictation – View FAQs about Dragon Dictation. For further assistance call the Clinical Service Desk 602-747-STAT

Medical Staff Services provides administrative support to the Banner Ironwood and Banner Goldfield Medical Staff and facilitates communication related to medical staff matters.

Responsibilities include:

  • Assisting with regulatory compliance
  • Credentialing
  • Peer Review
  • Committees
  • Maintaining current governing documents of the Medical Staff and Allied Health Staff

Medical Staff Services is in the Administration suite at Banner Ironwood and is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

You can contact Medical Staff Services directly at (480) 394-4066 with questions or to let us know how you would like to become involved in medical staff activities.

All Banner facilities want everyone to be safe on campus. Our Security patrols 24/7, offering both internal and external support to providers, patients, associates and visitors. 

If you observe suspicious conduct or behavior while on hospital property, or if you or someone else is the victim of a crime, call security dispatch at (602) 747-4400.

Clinical Informatics

Clinical Informatics supports the use of our electronic health record (EHR) and related processes to improve the quality and safety of patient care. The team will provide ongoing support to clinicians on new technology implementations and promote the adoption of best practices.

Clinical Informatics can be contacted 24/7 for immediate Cerner Support by:

  • Calling the STAT Line at 602.747.STAT (This number is for Providers ONLY)
    • All others can reach the Service Desk at 602.747.4444
  • For additional information, the Acute Care Informatics Education and Resources page has useful information such as Staff/Provider newsletters, downtime resources, BCMA Medication Scanning Issue Reporting Form, eCoach information, tip sheets and much more.
  • Clicking the live chat link on your Cerner toolbar titled "Chat-EHR Help"

Electronic Prescribing (Imprivata / ePrescribe)

Electronic prescribing (eRx) for all medication types (including controlled substances) is now a required aim for Regulatory Incentive Programs.

Additionally, per Arizona law, providers will be required to eRx schedule II-controlled substance opioid prescriptions effective January 1, 2020.

To help providers meet this new law, all providers will be registered for eRx.

For controlled substances, Banner will require DEA 2 factor authentication for approval. This will be completed using Imprivata ID. New Practitioners / New Phones: Download the “Imprivata ID” app to your phone through your App Store - (Apple / Google Play) and present to the Medical Staff Office with a Government Issued Photo ID to complete enrollment.

Masking (n95) – Occ/Emp Health Contacts for fittings

If you are in need of a mask fit, learn more about the location, hours and how to schedule an appointment.

Quality Improvement (QI)

QI serves as a resource for supporting excellent clinical performance by aligning with and supporting collaborative improvement activities across Banner Health. In addition to partnering with the Patient Safety, Peer Review and Regulatory teams; QI has linkage to system teams such as Infection Prevention, Clinical Performance Analytics, Process Engineering and Clinical Consensus Groups. The department proactively implements Banner franchise model/best practices and hospital-wide solutions in anticipation of quality and risk issues that may impact patient care.

For more information contact the BDMC/BCD Quality Improvement Department from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday at (480) 412-3322.


Student rotations are processed through the Banner Health Student Coordinator Office. They are no longer required to check in at the Medical Staff Office.


The Banner Health Observation process is available through the Banner Intranet, Policies & Procedures link. This paperwork must be filled out and submitted to the facilities Medical Staff Office prior to observation.