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Maternity Servicios en Banner Del E Webb Medical Center

Excellence in Maternity Care

At Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center, you’ll find complete maternity care.

You are the most important member of our team, which includes doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, certified nurse-midwives, technicians and other staff members.

We focus on making you feel comfortable, informed and safe while you’re with us and hope you’ll remember this special time at Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center. If you are interested in taking a Banner Del E. Webb Pickles and Ice Cream maternity tour, call (602) 230-CARE or register online.

What Maternity Care Do I Need?

Our complete maternity services include:

  • Pregnancy care
  • Labor and delivery care
  • Mother and baby care 
  • Level II Special Care Nursery for babies needing special care such as premature (32 weeks and above) and ventilator-dependent
  • Onsite neonatologists and neonatal nurse practitioners 24/7
  • State-of-the-art infant security system
  • Lactation consultants 
  • Certified nurse-midwife care for pregnancy, labor and delivery
  • Well babies remain in mother's room during hospitalization
  • Four natural birthing suites
  • Hydrotherapy and Nitrous Oxide for pain management during labor

We also provide a few extra special amenities and services when you have your baby with us, such as:

  • Homelike environment
  • Private labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) rooms
  • Peanut balls to make labor easier and delivery faster
  • Private post-partum/couplet care rooms
  • One-on-one teaching on all aspects of newborn care
  • Onsite Lactation Center with quality breastfeeding supplies at competitive prices, tax-free
  • Free in-person American Heart Association Infant CPR and Choking Relief classes for inpatients and their family and friends with education on: Safe Sleep, car seat safety and lactation
  • Free New Mom Support group
  • Professional photographs taken by experienced newborn photographers at your request
  • Skin-To-Skin Kangaroo Care—skin contact between parent and baby that has been proven to encourage weight gain, earlier breastfeeding, stronger breathing patterns, better sleep and a happier disposition

Natural Birthing Suites

In addition to our regular maternity suites, Banner Del E. Webb Medical Center has four natural birthing suites for patients looking to achieve a natural birth experience. Hydrotherapy and Nitrous Oxide are available in all of our Labor and Delivery and Natural Birthing suites.