Basic Military Acronyms List

Every culture throughout history has had their own unique language. The military is no different. It is important to know how to communicate with our veterans and their families. Here is a little help on understanding some of the more commonly used acronyms by our veterans and their families.

AFB – Air Force Base. Designation used to identify Air Force Bases.

AFSC – Air Force Specialty Code.  This is the same as MOS but specific to the Air Force

Article 15 – Non-Judicial Punishment.  This term describes punishment issued by a commander for infractions that does not meet the standard of a court martial proceeding.

ASVAB – Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.  This is the aptitude test taken by services members before they enter service which helps them find a focused skill within the military.

BAH – Base Allowance for Housing.  This is a financial housing entitlement for those individuals living off post or off base.

BAS – Base Allowance for Sustenance.  This term is a financial food entitlement for those who are living off base or off post.

BX/PX – Base Exchange/Post Exchange.  This is the on base shopping center.  Much like a Target or Walmart, but with no sale taxes.

COLA – Cost of Living Allowance.  This is a financial entitlement used to offset the increased costs of living overseas.

CONUS – Inside the Continental United States.  This term is used to describe being stationed inside the continental U.S.

DD214 – Record of Service.  This form is the record of service for all veterans.  It is the proof of service, containing the record of decorations, locations served at, as well as the discharge status.  Discharge status can be Honorable, General, or Dishonorable.  A Dishonorable Discharge can only be given by a guilty verdict from Court Martial proceedings.

DEERS - Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting Systems.  This is the database to active duty, guard, reserve and retired individuals and their family members showing eligibility for Tricare.

DOD – Department of Defense.  This is the main governing body for the armed forces, except the U.S. Coast Guard which falls under the Department of Homeland Security.

EPR – Enlisted Performance Report.  This is an annual performance report of USAF enlisted members.

FITREP – Fitness Report.  This is an annual performance report for U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy personnel.

FOB – Forward Operating Base.  This is an operating location isolated from larger military installations located with the battlespace.

LES – Leave and Earning Statement.  This is a service members pay stub.  It contains many of the same things that are on a civilian pay stub like, allowances and deductions as well as the number of available vacation days.

MCAS – Marine Corps Air Station.  The designation used for Marine Corps Air Bases

MEPS – Military Entrance Processing Stations.  This is where all service members receive physical exams, take the ASVAB, and swear into their respective services before entering basic training.

MOS – Military Occupational Specialty.  This term describes an alpha numeric code the links to a military specialty or job.

NAS – Naval Air Station.  The Designation used for U.S. Navy Air Bases

NCO – Non-Commissioned Officer.  This is a mid-level enlisted member.  E-5 or E-6

OCONUS – Outside the Continental United States.  This term is used to describe being stationed outside of the continental U.S.  Which includes places like Alaska and Hawaii.

OHA – Overseas Housing Allowance.  This term is the same as BAH but for those stationed overseas.

OP – Outpost.  Much the same as a FOB, only much smaller and minimally manned.

OPR – Officer Performance Report.  This is an annual performance report for USAF officers.

OPSEC – Operational Security.  This term is used to describe the security measures used to maintain secrecy around an operation, mission, or task.

PCS – Permanent Change of Station.   This is a term used to describe moving from one base to another.  This could be from on place to another in the same state or even a move to the other side of the world.

PT – Physical Training.  This term describes the act of exercising while in the military.

SNCO – Senior Non-Commissioned Officer.  This is a senior enlisted member.  E-7 thru E-9

TDY – Temporary Duty.  This term is used to describe going to a different location for a small amount of time for work.     

TSP – Thrift Savings Plan.  This is a financial investment entitlement.

UCMJ – Uniform Code of Military Justice.  This is the governing regulation for all service members.  It is the laws that are applicable while they are servicing in the military.