Prior Authorizations

Getting Plan Approval in Advance

For certain drugs, you or your provider need to get approval from the plan before we will agree to cover the drug for you. This is called “prior authorization.” Sometimes the requirement for getting approval in advance helps guide appropriate use of certain drugs. If you do not get this approval, your drug might not be covered by the plan.

You, your doctor, or your representative can make a request for us to authorize or provide coverage for the medical care you want. To request coverage for a prescription drug, you can submit a request in writing or call our Customer Care Center.

Submit a Request in writing through mail or by fax:

  • By Mail:
    Banner Medicare Rx
    5255 E Williams Circle, Ste 2050
  • Tucson, AZ 85711

Call our Customer Care Center:

  • Please contact our Customer Care Center number at (844) 549-1859, TTY 711 for additional information. Hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week.