Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Resources for Caregivers

We understand that, as a caregiver for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, you may have concerns and questions about how to provide the best care as your loved one advances through the different stages of Alzheimer’s. At Banner Health, our multidisciplinary team of Alzheimer’s experts from Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and Banner Sun Health Research Institute provide innovative education opportunities, support groups and unique life enrichment programs to help you during this journey.

Alzheimer’s Disease Education

Alzheimer’s disease is a complex condition that affects everyone differently. Although there are still many unknowns, ongoing research is increasing collective knowledge and improving the ability to care for those with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

If you are a caregiver, the best gift you can give yourself is knowledge. The more you learn about Alzheimer's disease - from navigating changing communication and behaviors to managing medications and financial and legal issues - the more confident and prepared you will feel. You’ll find resources below to help you build your knowledge, inform your decision making and empower yourself on your caregiving journey.

Beacon newsletter

This free monthly e-newsletter for caregivers and those diagnosed with Alzheimer’s offers practical advice and tips to improve the quality of life for those living with Alzheimer’s, information about classes, events, support groups and opportunities to participate in research. The Beacon newsletter is hosted by Banner Health and community partners. Learn more and sign up to receive the newsletter.

Dementia Untangled Podcast

Produced by the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and Banner Sun Health Research Institute centers of excellence, Dementia Untangled offers expert guidance and support for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients. Learn more and listen to the latest episodes of Dementia Untangled

Alzheimer’s Insights: Caregiver Tips YouTube Channel

The Alzheimer’s Insights: Caregiver Tips YouTube channel includes an extensive playlist of Alzheimer’s content that includes education, caregiver tips and support, financial planning and more.


The team at Banner Alzheimer Institute offers a series of Care T.I.P.S. (Try Including Practical Strategies) which provides guidance and strategies for a range of scenarios you may encounter as an Alzheimer’s disease caregiver. Learn more about our Care T.I.P.S.

Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends is a global movement that educates people about Alzheimer’s and dementia, changing how they think, act and talk about the disease, and empowering them to get involved. The Dementia Friendly Arizona initiative, led by Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, works to make sure Arizona communities are equipped to support Alzheimer’s disease and dementia patients and their caregivers.

Native American Outreach Program

The Native American Outreach program works together with Banner Alzheimer’s Institute to offer several education and outreach activities in an effort to foster awareness, care and scientific understanding of Alzheimer’s disease in Arizona tribal and urban Indian communities. The program also offers several community and caregiver services for tribal communities.

Support, Programs and Events

Support Groups

Together, the Banner Health Family and Community Services team and Banner Alzheimer’s Institute offer a variety of support groups to provide opportunities to connect with other caregivers in similar circumstances, share advice and strategies, learn or just listen. Support groups are led by dementia experts and often have a focus to better meet specific needs. A support line is also available for those who prefer a more private setting.

The Navigator Program

The Navigator Program offers counseling in the following areas:

  • Adjusting to a new diagnosis
  • Adapting to changes and transitions
  • Coping with new roles and responsibilities
  • Managing stress, depression and grief
  • Finding community resources and benefits
  • Accessing resources for legal and financial planning and addressing long-term care needs

Dementia Care Partners

The Dementia Care Partners program provides education, support and resources for people living with dementia and their family members who care for them.  Dedicated to meeting the unique needs of each person and family, the program partners with primary care providers to offer comprehensive care across Arizona. It may be available to you at no cost in Maricopa or Pima County if you have Medicare under the CMS GUIDE program. Respite care is an important aspect of caregiver wellness that may be available if you qualify.

Dementia Care Partners provides English and Spanish-speaking health coaches who offer free skill-building, education, support and resources to help caregivers manage from day to day. Virtual visits and follow-up phone calls are also available for caregivers to address any issues or concerns. Care is overseen by an interdisciplinary team including physicians, advanced care providers and social workers.

To contact the Dementia Care Partners program, please call (623) 832-6500 and choose option 6. 

Events and Life Engagement Programs

Find various supportive events and activities to help you or your loved one. Our events cover a range of memory loss topics, with some targeting specific Alzheimer’s stages. Engagement programs include activities that are designed to ignite creativity, connection and expression for your loved one.

Adult Care Programs and Transportation Resources

If you are considering adult day care programs and options for transportation, we have the following resources to assist you in your search:

Information can be provided for the following topics upon request:

  • Personal family checklist
  • Questions to ask when considering in-home care
  • In-home care agencies (non-medical)
  • Live alone assessment
  • Senior centers

Assisted Living Centers

There are several assisted living centers across the Phoenix metropolitan area. Find a center close to you using the following resources:

Banner Health can provide information for the following topics upon request:

  • How to choose a residential facility
  • Questions to ask an assisted living facility
  • Volunteer agencies
  • Veterans Affairs’ aid and assistance

Planning Services

Advance Directives and Life Care Planning

Find free advance care directive forms and life care planning information on the Arizona Attorney General’s Office website. These forms comply with Arizona law.

Elder Law Attorneys

Search for an elder law attorney in the Phoenix metropolitan area. The listed attorneys are all members of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and provide counsel on estate planning, guidance on long-term care benefits/Arizona Long Term Care System and guardianships/conservatorships.

At Banner Health, we’re here to support you and your loved one by providing you with the knowledge and skills to address you and your loved one’s needs, as well as help you find success.