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Codependency Behavior

What is codependency?

Codependency refers to a complex emotional and behavioral condition that affects a person’s ability to have healthy relationships and mutual satisfaction. This dependency can affect many types of relationships, including those between parents and children, siblings, friends, significant others or co-workers. It is common for people who are codependent to also struggle with chronic mental illness or addiction.

Relationships formed through codependency are often characterized as one-sided, emotionally destructive or even abusive. If you suspect you or someone you love is in a codependent relationship, the experts at Banner Health have the resources you need to get help.

What causes codependency? 

Codependency was first identified after studying the interpersonal behavior patterns of people with alcohol addictions. It is a learned behavior that often begins in childhood, typically in families with dysfunction. People who are codependent may have watched family members display these behaviors and imitated them.

Originally, the term “codependent” was used to describe people who were close to an addict, such as partners or friends. Today, it refers to a dependent personality disorder where individuals come from any dysfunctional family dynamic. These dynamics often arise when family members are in denial of underlying issues, which may include a mentally or physically ill family member or an abusive relationship. In these situations, needs and emotions are frequently repressed.

As a result, the codependent person may grow to believe their needs don’t matter and focus their attention on caring for someone else, usually an addicted or ill person. Over time, these behaviors may continue into adulthood, affecting future relationships. For some, this leads to interdependent relationships, which are healthier, while others remain stuck in unhealthy dynamics that leave you feeling unsatisfied or confused.

Signs of codependency 

There are several signs, symptoms and indicators of codependency, which can include:

  • Poor boundaries with others 
  • Low self-esteem 
  • Caretaking behaviors 
  • Obsessions 
  • A need for control 
  • Difficulty making decisions 
  • Trouble identifying or communicating thoughts, feelings or needs 
  • Chronic anger or strong emotional reactions 
  • An extreme need for approval or recognition 
  • Denial of problems 
  • Anxiety or fear about being rejected, judged or abandoned 
  • Intimacy or relationship issues 
  • Lying 

If any of these behavior patterns resonate with you, it’s important to seek help.

Screenings and diagnosis for codependency 

There is currently no official screening or diagnosis for codependency, as its symptoms overlap with other mental health conditions, including dependent personality disorder. If you or a loved one shows signs of codependency, talk to your doctor. After an initial assessment, you may be referred to a mental health specialist who can rule out other conditions and recommend appropriate treatments.

Treatments for codependency 

The best treatment for codependency is psychotherapy. Approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help all parties in the codependent relationship notice and change their behavior patterns.

If substance abuse is part of the relationship dynamic, achieving sobriety is an essential part of recovery. For people who are codependent, this can be challenging, as they may feel rewarded for helping the person they are dependent on, even if it means enabling harmful behavior. 

Learning to set boundaries, recognizing codependency and spending time on personal development are key steps in recovery.

At Banner Health, we provide compassionate, comprehensive care for individuals struggling with codependency and other behavioral health issues. Our experienced team of mental health professionals is committed to helping you understand and address the underlying factors contributing to your condition. With a focus on personalized treatment plans, we offer a range of therapeutic options tailored to your unique needs. Our holistic approach ensures that you receive the support and resources necessary for effective recovery and long-term well-being. Choose Banner Health for a compassionate and expert-led journey towards healthier relationships and improved mental health.