Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Conditions & Treatments

While it can be uncomfortable to discuss conditions and treatments related to the urinary system, at Banner Health, our focus is on making you feel safe and well.

Both male and female urology problems can be treated with medication and other therapies, but for some, surgery will be the best option. At Banner Health, we offer noninvasive, minimally invasive and traditional surgical options. No matter your condition, we'll explain your options and together we’ll determine the best treatment for your needs and goals.

Some of the common urological conditions and treatments that we treat include:

Female Sexual Medicine

If you are experiencing anything worrisome related to your sexual health, from pain during sex to disinterest in having sex, it’s important to share this with your doctor.

Common issues related to female sexual medicine include:

  • Discomfort in the vulva, called vulvodynia
  • Hormone- or medication-related issues
  • Pain during sex, called dyspareunia
  • Pain during orgasm
  • Pelvic floor disorders

Treatment may include herbal therapies, medications, pelvic floor therapy and sometimes surgery.

Learn more about our Women’s Health services.

Pelvic Floor Disorders

The pelvic floor refers to the muscles, tissues and nerves in the pelvic region of both men and women. Physical therapy and comprehensive interventions, in partnership with lifestyle and behavior modifications, can often times address the issues you’re facing.  

Conditions we see and treat include:

  • Bowel dysfunction, fecal incontinence and chronic constipation
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Sexual dysfunction, pain during intercourse and erectile dysfunction
  • Urinary dysfunction, urinary incontinence and urinary urgency