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Sterling Regional MedCenter Foundation

About Us

The Sterling Regional MedCenter Foundation offers financial support to insure the excellence of Sterling Regional MedCenter, its mission, programs and activities that enhance the health and well-being of the community and Northeastern Colorado.

The Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable 503(c)(3) organization, which allows it to accept tax-deductible contributions. It is run by a Committee made up of a area volunteers and members of the Sterling Regional MedCenter Board who share a commitment to quality health care.

How Donations Are Used

Foundation funds are used for projects that improve health care but are not part of the general operating budget of Sterling Regional MedCenter. Gifts are used to:

  • Purchase patient care equipment
  • Remodel or upgrade facilities
  • Invest in state-of-the-art equipment

Our Tree of Life

Our “Tree of Life” tribute, located on the MedCenter mall, honors two specific levels of donations:

  • $1,000 or more, recognized by inscribing the donor’s name on a leaf in our tree.
  • $10,000 or more, recognized by the stones located at the base of the tree.

Over the years, donations have helped the following departments at the hospital:

  • Medical imaging with a mammography machine, bone density scanner and a non-magnetic wheelchair
  • Baby suite – Recliners and pediatric cribs
  • Dialysis – Recliners and dialysis chair
  • Infusion therapy – Framed artwork
  • Rehabilitation – Infant development scales

Donations have also helped with these initiatives:

  • Medical scholarship assistance
  • Program and project support
  • Equipment and capital improvements

To make a donation or for further information, contact the Foundation:

The Sterling Regional MedCenter Foundation offers an opportunity to invest in quality health care. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This allows the Foundation to accept tax-deductible contributions as well as tax credits recognized by the Northeastern Colorado Enterprise Zone. Donations may be tax-deductible. Please consult with a tax advisor.

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