Health Information Exchange

What is Arizona's Health Information Exchange? 

The Arizona Health Information Exchange (HIE) is an electronic health record system with over 900 Arizona organizations feeding vital patient information into the system. Participants include: hospitals, laboratories, hospice, post-acute settings, behavioral health, and physical health providers.

How is the HIE beneficial to you?

The HIE provides you with additional information on your patients to help you provide better comprehensive, coordinated care.

The HIE provides real-time data when your patient goes to an emergency room or gets admitted/discharged from a hospital or sub-acute facility.

What are some of the services the HIE can provide you?

The HIE offers a range of services to assist you with care delivery. 

  • Alerts – Various alerts can be sent to providers notifying you of specific member activity like inpatient admissions, emergency department, clinical results, and COVID-19 lab results to name a few.
  • Direct Emails – Through a secure email account providers can exchange patient protected health information with other DirectTrust-certified email accounts.
  • Portal – The portal provides secure web-based access to selected patient data to be viewed online.
  • Data Exchange – Electronic interfaces which can be unidirectional or bidirectional.
  • Clinical Summary – Comprehensive Continuity of Care Document (CCD) which contains 90 days of the patient’s most recent clinical information.
  • Controlled Substances PMP Program – The HIE is integrated with the Arizona State Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program (CSPMP). So HIE participants have a simple process to access the state CSPMP data.

How do I join the Arizona HIE?

To join the Arizona HIE, fill out the HIE interest form.