Banner – University Family Care (B – UFC) is seeking proposals related to Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) with an emphasis on Health Equity and addressing social risk factors prioritizing target populations including but not limited to older adults, justice involved individuals, transition age youth, maternity care, and Native Americans.
Priority will be given to applicants with services/activities not currently covered by Title XIX/XXI and have a focus on housing, non-medical transportation, activities to combat social isolation, reducing recidivism for justice-involved members, employment and educational support, or other programs that address the adverse social conditions negatively impacting health outcomes. Refer to AHCCCS ACOM policy 303 for further guidance.
Please complete and submit a Community Reinvestment Application form.
To be considered for funding, applications must be received by 5 p.m. on October 4, 2024.
Funding decisions are made by B – UFC based on its established criteria and availability of funding.
Funding decisions are made at the sole discretion of B – UFC.