Need Help Renewing or Applying for AHCCCS?!

Banner – University Family Care (B – UFC) is an approved Community Assistor through AHCCCS. We can help you through every step of the process. 

  • Apply for or renew your AHCCCS benefits
  • Check your application status and advise on next steps
  • File an appeal if your application was denied
  • Report changes (address, income, household updates)
  • And more!

If you need assistance, fill out B – UFC Assistor Request Form and one of our B – UFC Assistors will reach out within 24 business hours.

What You'll Need for Your Appointment With a B – UFC Assistor

Consent Form Requirement

Before we can assist you, AHCCCS requires your consent. You can provide it in one of the following ways:

Whether you are applying for the first time or renewing your benefits, you may need one or more of the following pieces of information to complete your application:

  • Proof of citizenship for everyone who is applying for benefits.
  • Alien Registration Cards, if there are non-U.S. citizens applying for benefits in your household.
  • Social Security numbers for everyone, or proof that a Social Security number has been applied for.
  • Proof of all income your household received from any source last month and this month.
  • Proof that your employment ended and last date paid (if applicable). 
  • Verification of any medical insurance other than AHCCCS.

Having these documents ready will help speed up the process and prevent delays.

You can also call our Customer Care Center and ask to be connected with a B – UFC Assistor at 800-582-8686, TTY 711, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Find other community assistors to help you.