Banner – University Family Care/ACC (B – UFC/ACC) makes sure its members can understand and use the healthcare system. This can be hard for people who don't speak English well.
Helping Members in Their Language
Our health plan members speak lots of different languages. As of March 2024, 78% of members speak English. The following non-English languages are common and preferred among our members: Spanish, Navajo, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, Filipino, Korean, French, German, Russian, Farsi, Assyrian, Serbo-Croatian, and Thai.

Using Interpreters
Interpretation & Translation Services
B – UFC/ACC offers Interpretation & Translation services for its members. If you need these services, you can call our Customer Care Center at (800) 582-8686, TTY 711.
- Interpretation: This means spoken words are translated from one language to another.
- Translation: This means written words are translated from one language to another.
- If you need written materials in different formats, we can provide them.
According to the AHCCCS Contractor Operations Manual, Chapter 400, Policy 405:
- Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English may have limited English proficiency (LEP) and be eligible to receive language assistance for a particular type of service, benefit, or encountered as specified in 42 CFR 457.1207, 42 CFR 438.10.
- Individuals should have access to oral interpretation, translation, sign language, disability-related services, and provide auxiliary aids and alternative formats upon request, and at no cost.
- Translation and interpretation services need to be accurate, timely, and protect the privacy and independence of the individual with LEP. Translation and interpretation services shall be provided by a qualified interpreter/translator.
- Individuals are permitted to use an adult accompanying the individual with LEP for translation and/or interpretation 1) in an emergency when there is no qualified interpreter immediately available or 2) when the individual with LEP requests the accompanying adult to interpret or facilitate the communication, the accompanying adult agrees to provide the communication assistance, and reliance on the accompanying adult is reasonable under the circumstances. Individuals are not permitted to rely on a minor child for translation and/or interpretation except in an emergency when there is no qualified interpreter immediately available.
- All written materials for individuals shall be translated into Spanish regardless of whether materials are vital.