Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Managing Diabetes

Living with diabetes can be stressful. It is a chronic condition that can lead to serious health complications. But with proper care, you can live a full life with diabetes.

Whether you’re new to this or want better control, we at Banner Health are here to help. The following are steps you can take to manage your diabetes effectively and focus on living your best life.

Steps to managing diabetes 

Stay on top of medications and insulin

Taking your medications (including insulin, for some people) helps control your blood sugar levels. Learn about the importance of following your health care provider’s recommendations for a balanced and healthy life. Understand your prescriptions, manage doses and stay on top of your medication routine without stress.

Read more: Medication and insulin 

Eat well

Eating well is an important aspect of managing diabetes. Discover a balanced approach to eating that will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. Learn about portion control, choose healthier food options and find out how to enjoy your favorite meals without compromising your health.

Read more: Healthy eating 

Move your body

Discover the benefits of staying active for diabetes management. From short walks to home workouts, learn easy and enjoyable exercises to add to your daily routine.

Read more: Physical activity 

Monitor blood sugar

Learn the basics of monitoring your blood sugar levels and how to understand the results. Find out how to use different tools to track your levels and make decisions about your health.

Read more: Blood sugar monitoring 

Create healthy habits

From sleep patterns to stress management, explore small, practical changes you can make in your daily life to manage diabetes better.

Read more: Lifestyle changes 

Stay informed and connect

Find the support you need to navigate your diabetes journey. Connect with resources and communities that offer support and understanding. Together, you can learn, grow and thrive.

Read more: Support and resources 

Coping with emotions

Managing diabetes involves more than physical health. Explore strategies to cope with the emotional aspects of living with a chronic condition.

Read more: Coping with emotions 

Next: Understand the ABCs of diabetes

Discover the basics of diabetes with our easy-to-understand glossary to help you on your journey to better health.