Banner Health
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If you or someone you know requires head or brain surgery, your surgeon might suggest neuroendoscopy. This minimally invasive procedure helps medical professionals diagnose and treat issues using minimally invasive techniques and can be an alternative to traditional open procedures.

At Banner Health, we’re committed to providing state-of-the-art care. Neuroendoscopy is one of the most advanced techniques we use to improve patient outcomes.

What is neuroendoscopy?

Neurological endoscopy, more commonly known as neuroendoscopy, is a specialized field in neurosurgery used to diagnose and treat brain conditions. Neuroendoscopy enables neurosurgeons to reach areas of the brain using minimally invasive techniques.

Neuroendoscopy involves small incisions or no incisions in some cases. Surgeons use an endoscope – a thin, rigid tube with a light and tiny camera at the end – to see inside the brain,

Using small incisions, surgeons can insert special tools to perform various procedures, such as:

  • Diagnosing conditions
  • Taking tissue samples (a biopsy) for further testing
  • Removing tumors and blood clots
  • Draining cerebrospinal fluids from the brain
  • Relieving pressure on the brain caused by a tumor or mass
  • Repairing skull base defects

Neuroendoscopy is typically performed within a hospital and often requires at least an overnight stay for monitoring. 

When is neuroendoscopy recommended?

A neuroendoscopy enables neurosurgeons to reach areas of the head with minimal cutting or damage to other areas. It is commonly used to treat a wide range brain conditions, including:

  • Hydrocephalus (a condition where there’s too much fluid in the brain)
  • Skull base and brain tumors, including pituitary tumors and skull-based tumors
  • Spinal disorders, including herniated discs and spinal stenosis
  • Neurovascular conditions, including aneurysms and hemorrhagic stroke 
  • Colloid and intracranial cysts (fluid-filled sacs that press on the brain)
  • Facial bone and skull fractures
  • Cerebral spinal fluid leaks

Benefits of neuroendoscopy

Neuroendoscopy offers several key benefits over traditional neurosurgical techniques. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Faster recovery times
  • Less pain after surgery
  • Less scarring and tissue damage

Risks of neuroendoscopy

Although neuroendoscopy allows for smaller incisions and less exposure of brain, there are risks with the procedure. Possible complications might include:

  • Bleeding in the brain 
  • Damage or injury to surrounding tissue
  • Infection
  • Blood clots in the brain or legs
  • Leaking of cerebrospinal fluid 
  • Neurological issues such as weakness, numbness or problems with speech or vision
  • Reaction to the medication (sedative or general anesthesia) that helps you relax and sleep

Preparing for and recovering from endoscopy

Are you scheduled for a neuroendoscopy procedure? Learn what to expect before, during and after the procedure. Understand how to prepare for your appointment, what will happen during the procedure and what to expect during your recovery. 

Expert care 

At Banner Health, we focus on your safety and aim for the best outcomes with our neuroendoscopy services. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us. Our dedicated team is here to support you on your health care journey.