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Urologic and Pelvic Endoscopy

Pelvic and urinary organs are important because they help with reproduction, remove waste from the body and allow you to control when you pee. They also play a role in sexual health and overall well-being. 

If you’re experiencing symptoms like pain, abnormal bleeding or urinary issues, your health care provider may recommend a pelvic or urologic endoscopy to help diagnose the problem.

What is urinary and pelvic endoscopy?

Urinary and pelvic endoscopies are medical procedures that use an endoscope – a thin, flexible tube fitted with a light and tiny camera – to take clear images and perform treatments in the urinary tract and pelvic region.

The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters (tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder), bladder and urethra (the tube that carries urine out of your body). The pelvic organs include the uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries in females and the prostate gland and seminal vesicles (small glands) in males.

Urologic endoscopy is typically performed by urologists, who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones, kidney blockages, prostate disease and bladder tumors. 

Pelvic endoscopy is typically performed by gynecologists or urogynecologists, who specialize in the health of female reproductive organs, including the uterus, ovaries and surrounding pelvic organs. This procedure examines and sometimes treats issues such as pelvic pain, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and infertility.

Importance of urinary and pelvic endoscopy

There are several reasons why your health care provider may choose endoscopy over other methods. Some of the key reasons may include:

  • Less invasive: Endoscopic procedures do not require incisions in comparison to traditional surgery. This results in less pain and the ability to perform the procedure in a provider’s office without general anesthesia.
  • Accurate diagnosis: Clear and detailed images allow accurate diagnosis of conditions such as urinary stones, bladder tumors and cancers, prostate problems or urethral scarring, endometriosis and pelvic inflammatory disease. 
  • Targeted treatments: With endoscopy, specialists can treat the affected area, reducing damage to surrounding healthy tissue. Targeted therapies may include removing urinary stones, tissue growths (tumors) or repairing damaged parts of the bladder or urethra.

Types of endoscopies in urinary and pelvic health

There are several types of endoscopy procedures that examine different parts of your urinary and pelvic organs:

  • Cystoscopy: This procedure checks your urethra and bladder. It’s performed to find problems like tumors, stones, blockages, bleeding or infections, especially if you’re experiencing symptoms such as blood in your urine or difficulty peeing. 
  • Hysteroscopy: Examines the lining of your uterus to identify problems like polyps, fibroids or infections. A hysteroscopy is helpful if you’re experiencing symptoms such as unusual uterine bleeding, fertility problems or other gynecological issues. 
  • Laparoscopy: This procedure assesses and treats abdominal and pelvic organs. It’s helpful for conditions such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts or pelvic infections, especially if you’re experiencing belly or pelvic pain, fertility problems or other symptoms.
  • Ureteroscopy: This procedure examines and treats issues in your ureters and kidneys. It can remove kidney stones, check for blockages or diagnose other problems, especially if you’re experiencing symptoms like side pain, blood in your urine or problems peeing.
  • Vaginoscopy: Looks at the vaginal canal and cervix, diagnosing and treating conditions such as vaginal bleeding, unusual discharge or cervix problems.

Preparing for and recovering from endoscopy

Are you scheduled for an endoscopic procedure? Learn what to expect before, during and after the procedure. Understand how to prepare for your appointment, what will happen during the procedure and what to expect during your recovery.

Expert care 

At Banner Health, we provide compassionate, expert care to support your health and well-being. Contact us today if you have questions about endoscopies or need to schedule an appointment with a specialist. Your journey to better health begins with Banner Health.