Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Women's Urology Care

Urology health concerns in women can arise from a range of issues, like giving birth to aging. Most urinary issues appear in older women, but urinary conditions can appear at any age. Read on to learn more about women’s urologic health.

Women’s Urologic Health

While some urology conditions are common for women, it’s important to know the difference between a common urologic problem versus something more serious. Understanding symptoms like pressure in the pelvis or pelvic pain can ensure you know when to seek help for a urologic problem. Learn more about general urology conditions and treatments from the Banner Health professionals here.

Common Urologic Conditions for Women

From treating urinary tract infections to kidney stones, the urology health specialists at Banner Health are ready to develop a custom treatment plan for your urological condition. Banner Health treats women’s urologic conditions, such as:

If you are experiencing any kind of severe pain, reach out to your doctor to discuss your concerns and urology treatment options. Your doctor may test and diagnose your condition by using a cystoscopy or urodynamic test.

Urology Treatment Options

Treatment options will depend on your symptoms and diagnosis of your urologic issue. Treatment options for women's urologic conditions may include:

  • Medication
  • Pelvic floor therapy
  • Bladder retraining
  • Weight loss
  • Kegel exercises
  • Surgery

Let the team of urology health specialists at Banner Health provide comprehensive care and answer any questions you may have. We’re here to help.