Did you know that every 2 hours a child is killed with a loaded gun? Did you know that every year Arizona has a higher rate of death from firearm injuries than the US average? A gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone known to your family than to kill someone in self-defense.
Guns are in more than one third of all U.S. households, so they're a very real danger to children, whether you own one or not. That's why it's important to talk to kids about the potential dangers of guns, and what to do if they find one.
Even though guns are featured in many television shows, video games, computer games and movies, it's important for your child to know that real guns are dangerous and can hurt or even kill someone.
If you allow your child to play with toy guns, you may want to use that to show teach then about safe gun handling. The color of the toy gun should not be modified as they can easily be confused with real guns and have tragic results.
You may also want to talk to your children about guns and violence teaching them that anger and fear can be expressed without striking out at other or using weapons. The most positive way to resolve conflict is to talk it out.
If you choose to keep a gun in your home, it’s important to always be a positive gun safety role model for your children by storing and using guns safely and responsibly: