Arizona Association of Health Plans (AzAHP) unites the companies that provide health care services to the almost two million people that are members of the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS). AzAHP supplies assistance and resources to enhance the long-term care workforce through our ALTCS Workforce Development Alliance, and they offer valuable training programs through the ACC/RHBA Workforce Development Alliance.
The Workforce Development Alliance (WFDA) A name given to the WFD Administrators from each Contractor that jointly plan and conduct WFD activities for a particular line of business. Currently there are two WFDAs: the ALTCS WFDA and the ACC/RBHA WFDA.
The ALTCS WFDA includes WFD Administrators from the DDD and ALTCS E/PD Contractors.
The ACC/RBHA WFDA includes the WFD Administrators from ACC, RBHA, and CMDP Contractors. In addition to conducting joint WFD planning, the ACC/RBHA/CMDP WFDA collectively manages the contract between the Arizona Association of Health Plans (AzAHP) and the Learning Management System (LMS) vendor.
Workforce Development Coalition (WFDC) is organized by the Workforce Development Department at AHCCCS and includes members from Arizona Complete Health, Banner – University Family Care, Care1st, DDD, Health Choice Arizona, Magellan Complete Care, Mercy Care, United Healthcare Community Plan, community agencies, other governmental agencies.