Teach Me

Dry Eyes? Lagophthalmos Could Be the Culprit
Lots of different things could cause dry eyes. Maybe the air is dry. Perhaps you don’t blink enough when you’re working at a computer. Or it could be that...
July 02
Cold and Clammy? 10 Causes of Cold Sweats and How to Treat Them
You might think sweating is just your body’s way of cooling down after an intense workout or during a hot day. And you’re right, but there’s a whole other...
July 02
Hairy Tongue: What to Do About That Fuzzy Feeling
Ah, hair. We spend a lot of time styling it, coloring it and trying to make it look good. We remove it from the parts of our bodies where we don’t want...
July 01
How Cancer Treatment Can Affect Your Bones and Joints
If you’re being treated for cancer, you probably know about some of the common side effects, like fatigue from chemotherapy, skin irritation from radiation...
June 27
What Are Hyaluronic Acid (Rooster Comb) Injections?
Are you one of the millions of people struggling with chronic knee pain? Whether it’s from arthritis, injury or wear and tear, living with stiff, achy...
June 26
Understanding the Connection Between GERD and Snoring
If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and you snore, you might not think the two conditions have much in common. After all, GERD is a digestive...
June 24
What to Know About Skin Cancer if You Have Dark Skin
It’s a common misconception that people who have darker skin don’t need sun protection and don’t get  skin cancer. The truth is the connection between...
June 23
10 Signs of Resentment in Relationships and How to Heal
Have you ever felt a simmering frustration toward your partner but couldn’t quite put your finger on why? That strong negative feeling might be resentment. Resentment...
June 21
Tips for Healthy Eating When Your Stress Levels Are Spiking
You’ve probably felt this way: You try to make nutritious food choices most of the time. But then your job gets overwhelming, or you have an argument with...
June 20