Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Sleep Medicine FAQ

We’re here to help if you’re experiencing any sleep-related conditions.

Here are some common questions you may have about sleep medicine, including information about sleep studies and testing.

Frequently Asked Sleep Medicine Questions

Q: What do I bring to an inpatient sleep study?
When getting ready for a sleep test (or sleep study) at one of Banner Health’s sleep centers, it’s important you feel at ease. Make sure to bring comfortable sleepwear, any medications you normally take, toiletries and a favorite blanket or pillow.

Q: Can I bring family members to an inpatient sleep study?
Your family members can bring you to your sleep study, but because this is a study of your sleep, only you will be able to stay the night.

For pediatric sleep medicine patients, we offer special inpatient rooms, which allow a caretaker to also stay the night.

Q: How long does the sleep study take?
Most sleep studies range from six to eight hours on average. This ensures the specialist can monitor you from the time you fall asleep to the time you wake up. Time will vary from person to person depending on your average night’s rest.

Q: What equipment is needed for a sleep study? Will I be comfortable?
During your sleep study you will be hooked up to a machine that will monitor your brain activity, eye movements and body movements. Our sleep medicine specialists will ensure you are comfortable and able to sleep without disturbances.

For at-home sleep studies, we will provide the necessary equipment for you at your home. The equipment is connected via a finger clamp-like device that will allow you to sleep comfortably and uninterrupted.

Q: What if I can't sleep during my sleep study?
While it may be difficult to fall asleep knowing a device is monitoring you, it’s important to stick to your normal routine and bedtime rituals.

If you cannot fall asleep, our team of sleep specialists, including your doctor, will discuss other options that may be right for you.

Q: What is normal sleep?
Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep a night. However, some may need less than six and others more than 10. When you receive an adequate amount of sleep, you should feel refreshed and alert throughout the day.

Q: Can I drink and take medications prior to my sleep study? (i.e. caffeine, wine, and melatonin)
Talk to your doctor about any medications you take before your sleep study. You’ll also want to discuss any food or beverages you should avoid before your sleep study. If these are part of your routine, make sure to mention this to your doctor.

Q: How do I know I have a sleep disorder?
A: Do you feel tired throughout the day? Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Use our sleep questionnaire to help determine if you should talk to your primary care provider about your sleep.

For more information about sleep medicine and to find out if a sleep test may be right for you, talk to your doctor.