Results for "Gastroenterology"

Teach Me
Understanding the Connection Between GERD and Snoring
If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and you snore, you might not think the two conditions have much in common. After all, GERD is a digestive...
June 24
Better Me
Should You Be Taking Digestive Supplements for Your Gut Health?
It seems like you see digestive supplements everywhere you turn. Prebiotics, probiotics and fiber supplements line the shelves of grocery stores and pharmacies....
May 19
Better Me
How Losing Weight Can Help Reduce Your GERD Symptoms
If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you know how much the symptoms can disrupt your life. Heartburn can be uncomfortable or even painful,...
May 12
Teach Me
Understanding and Treating Pancreatic Cysts: What You Should Know
If you don’t have any issues with your pancreas, you probably don’t give this organ much thought. It’s nestled behind your stomach, and its enzymes help...
April 23
Advise Me
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Your Acid Reflux Symptoms
Maybe it happens when you eat too close to bedtime, have a big glass of grapefruit juice or overdo it on fish and chips. You get heartburn or acid reflux....
April 12
Teach Me
Symptom Tracking: How to Monitor and Document Your GERD Symptoms
If you have heartburn or acid reflux, when that burning sensation spreads across your chest it might seem like you will never forget it. But a few days...
April 12
Teach Me
These Are 5 Risks You Face if You Don’t Treat GERD
If you overdo it once in a while — pizza loaded with tomato sauce, say, or a big plate of fried or fatty food — you might have heartburn that you can treat...
March 25
Teach Me
Alcohol and Your Liver: Understanding the Risks and Warning Signs
Maybe you have a couple of beers on the weekends with your friends. Or you like a glass of wine with dinner. Or maybe you’re a fan of craft cocktails,...
March 13
Teach Me
These 8 Food Culprits Could Be Making Your GERD Symptoms Worse
If you have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), you know how uncomfortable the symptoms of GERD can be. That feeling of heartburn can keep you awake...
March 12
Better Me
Getting to the Bottom of Hemorrhoids
Let’s talk about something that might not be the easiest topic to bring up in casual conversations: hemorrhoids. Although they are rarely dangerous, hemorrhoids...
March 03