Results for "High Performance"

Advise Me
Are Your Ferritin Levels Optimal? The Link Between This Nutrient and Your Health
You’ve probably heard a lot about iron and how important this mineral is to your health. Iron helps your body make red blood cells and transport oxygen....
March 19
Advise Me
What Men Should Know About Nitric Oxide Supplements
Many men want to stay as healthy as they can, and they look for ways to keep their hearts strong, their energy levels high and their bodies performing...
March 08
Better Me
A Guide to Post-Surgery Mental Recovery in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Maybe you’re a baseball pitcher who needs Tommy John surgery, a soccer player with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear or a basketball player with...
February 19
Teach Me
A Guide to Post-Sport Nutrition for Former Athletes
There comes a time in almost every competitive athlete’s life when they must step back from competition or retire altogether. Whether it’s an injury, aging,...
February 13
Better Me
How to Help Teen Athletes Overcome Sudden Performance Anxiety
Simone Biles might be the most high-profile athlete to draw attention to the link between mental health and athletic performance. Biles withdrew from several...
December 22
Better Me
Getting Teen Athletes Back to Sports After Osteochondritis Dissecans
As a parent, you want your teen athlete to stay safe and free of injuries. If your child plays sports, there’s a condition to watch for called osteochondritis...
December 18
Teach Me
How to Help Teen Athletes Balance Sports and Stress Management
Teens today are under a lot of pressure. They’re trying to succeed in school, figure out their futures, navigate relationships with their families and...
December 03
Advise Me
These 17 Exercises Can Help Keep Your Shoulders Strong and Healthy
When your shoulders are healthy and strong, you might take them for granted. It’s effortless for you to play golf or tennis, at least as far as your shoulders...
August 20
Advise Me
Do I Need Ice or Heat to Treat Aches and Pains?
We’ve all experienced those pesky aches and pains that life throws our way – from minor bumps, bruises and sprains to ongoing discomfort.  It can be tough...
August 14
Better Me
How Your Shoulder Impingement Might Be Treatable Without Surgery
Shoulder pain can really impact your life, since every time you reach for something on a shelf, move your arm to pull on a jacket or toss a ball to a child...
May 05