Results for "High Performance"

Teach Me
Avoid a Double Whammy: Tips for Preventing a Secondary Injury
Getting hurt is frustrating. Whether you play sports or just like to stay active, an injury can mess up your routine and make even simple movements harder....
March 10
Teach Me
When You Shouldn’t Walk It Off After an Injury
“Just walk it off.” We’ve all heard this before – or maybe you’ve even told yourself this – after a tumble or injury. Maybe you rolled your ankle while...
January 31
Advise Me
Performance Supplements 101: What Every Athlete Should Know
You’ve probably heard the claims: Build faster muscle, recover better and perform at your peak with performance supplements. Whether you’re hitting the...
January 27
Teach Me
Is My Child’s Sport a Concussion Risk?
As a parent, you know that kids can get hurt playing sports. You’re probably familiar with common injuries like strains, sprains and broken bones. But...
January 15
Advise Me
Are Your Ferritin Levels Optimal? The Link Between This Nutrient and Your Health
You’ve probably heard a lot about iron and how important this mineral is to your health. Iron helps your body make red blood cells and transport oxygen....
March 19
Advise Me
What Men Should Know About Nitric Oxide Supplements
Many men want to stay as healthy as they can, and they look for ways to keep their hearts strong, their energy levels high and their bodies performing...
March 08
Better Me
A Guide to Post-Surgery Mental Recovery in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
Maybe you’re a baseball pitcher who needs Tommy John surgery, a soccer player with an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear or a basketball player with...
February 19
Teach Me
A Guide to Post-Sport Nutrition for Former Athletes
There comes a time in almost every competitive athlete’s life when they must step back from competition or retire altogether. Whether it’s an injury, aging,...
February 13
Better Me
How Your Shoulder Impingement Might Be Treatable Without Surgery
Shoulder pain can really impact your life, since every time you reach for something on a shelf, move your arm to pull on a jacket or toss a ball to a child...
May 05
Advise Me
How High-Intensity Interval Training Could Boost Your Fitness
Are you looking for ways to improve your health? High-intensity interval training (HIIT) can be a great way to take your fitness to the next level. With...
August 05
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