Results for "Hypertension"
Have you ever wondered how well your body is breathing? It’s not something we think about every day, but it’s important to our health.
One way to measure...
When you think of high blood pressure or hypertension, you probably picture older adults worrying about their heart health. However, did you know that...
Pregnancy is an incredible journey, but it can also bring unexpected health challenges like high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. High blood...
Maybe you stand up too quickly or you haven’t eaten in a while and suddenly you're feeling dizzy or off balance. You’re lightheaded. Sometimes, lightheadedness...
Did your health care provider order a stress test? The mere mention of it can cause a wave of stress and worry but fear not! Understanding the basics will...
Have you ever watched a baby breathe? Their little bellies rise and fall with each breath cycle. This deep breathing, which is also called diaphragmatic...
If you have high blood pressure, you probably know that what you eat can make a difference. Following a diet like the dietary approaches to stop hypertension...
When you nick or cut yourself, your body jumps into action to stop the bleeding. Your blood cells clump together to prevent blood from leaking where it...
For a lot of people, taking their blood pressure at home is a crucial step in monitoring their health. It’s essential to get an accurate reading, but there...
When it comes to matters of your heart, chances are you’ve heard about beta blockers. A beta blocker is one of the most prescribed medications for those...