Results for "Infectious Disease"

Advise Me
Are You Actually Allergic to Penicillin? How to Find Out
If you or your child has had strep throat, an ear infection or a urinary tract infection, there’s a good chance your provider sent you to the pharmacy...
June 02
Teach Me
The Surprising Health Risks of Losing Your Sense of Smell
Think about the last time you noticed a scent. Maybe it was the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, the sharp, sour smell of a lemon or even that unmistakable...
April 21
Teach Me
Bronchiolitis in Children: What to Know and How to Prevent It
When it comes to parenting, facing childhood illnesses is a rite of passage. One of the most common concerns new parents may face but might not hear of...
January 07
Better Me
10 Myths and Facts About Pneumonia
Have you ever heard the old wives’ tale that going outside with wet hair can give you pneumonia? It’s a myth that many of us have grown up hearing, but...
November 09
Advise Me
How to Choose the Best Medication to Treat Your Cold or Flu
You feel the telltale flu or cold symptoms coming on — maybe it’s a cough, runny nose, sneezing and stuffy head. You want to choose the best medication...
October 25
Teach Me
Could a Tick Bite Be Causing Your Unexpected Meat and Dairy Allergies?
If you get bitten by a tick, you probably worry about Lyme disease, an infection that spreads from tick bites.  But you could have another health problem...
October 20
Teach Me
What to Know About hMPV, a Respiratory Infection That's on the Rise
From colds to flu to COVID-19 to RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), there are lots of contagious respiratory illnesses out there. And if you have kids,...
August 28
Advise Me
The Best Strategies for Working from Home Long-Term
Back in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sent almost everyone home and lots of people quickly found ways to do their jobs remotely. Today, many people have...
July 17
Teach Me
Handwashing 101: Why Clean Hands Save Lives
When it comes to personal hygiene and staying healthy, it starts and ends with our hands. Unwashed hands are one of the quickest ways to spread germs and...
June 25
Better Me
You've Survived a Dangerous Sepsis Infection. Here's What to Expect Next
Sepsis is a serious infection that can cause organ damage or failure and death. If you have sepsis, you’ll need to be hospitalized, and you’ll probably...
June 16