Results for "Wellness"

Teach Me
Cold and Clammy? 10 Causes of Cold Sweats and How to Treat Them
You might think sweating is just your body’s way of cooling down after an intense workout or during a hot day. And you’re right, but there’s a whole other...
July 02
Teach Me
Mottled Skin (Livedo Reticularis): What to Do About Blotchy Skin
Have you ever glanced down at your arms and legs and noticed your skin playing a game of Connect the Dots, forming blotchy or even web-like patterns? You...
June 19
Better Me
10 Steps to Reduce Inflammation and Boost Your Immune Health
Have you ever wondered why some people never seem to get sick? While good genes may play a part, the real secret lies in how well they manage inflammation...
June 10
Teach Me
Vitamin D: Are You Getting Enough of This Sunshine Vitamin?
The sun is more than a glowing ball in the sky. Sure, it helps sustain life and regulate climate and seasons, but it also helps our bodies make vitamin...
June 09
Better Me
How to Prevent and Treat Painful Ingrown Hairs
When you shave, your razor cuts your hair at an angle and leaves a sharp edge. So that pointy little hair can work its way back into your skin. That’s...
June 06
Advise Me
Beat the Heat: Avoid Heat-Related Illnesses With These 5 Tips
When temperatures heat up, it’s time for fun in the sun, right? Well, not always.  Warm weather brings with it some risks, especially for your health....
May 31
Teach Me
Adaptogens: What Are They and Should You Be Taking Them?
Life can feel like a pressure cooker, especially when you’re juggling work deadlines, school assignments or just everyday challenges that come your way....
May 31
Teach Me
Nitrates and Nitrites in Foods: Should You Step Away From the Bacon?
If you follow nutrition headlines at all, you may get mixed messages about nitrates and nitrites. Some seem to have health benefits — in fact, you can...
May 27
Teach Me
How Mind and Body Exercise Can Benefit Your Heart Health
In today’s hectic world, where deadlines loom, schedules overflow and demands never seem to end, taking care of your heart health is often pushed to the...
May 17
Advise Me
The Hidden Cost of Debt: How Your Finances Impact Your Health
Every month, it seems the balance keeps climbing on your credit cards. You used your home equity line to repair your roof, and rising interest rates have...
May 14