Banner Health
Making healthcare easier

Health & Wellness

Employees are the best asset of every organization and putting effort into employee health and wellness can encourage better teamwork, increase productivity and reduce sick leave and workplace accidents. Learn about our Mobile Health Clinic and on-site services.

Travel Medicine

We help prepare you to travel to specific regions of the globe where the health risks are different from the continental U.S.

Banner Occupational Health provides vaccines for individuals who are traveling overseas. We offer a full range of vaccines including Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Tetanus and Japanese Encephalitis.

A medical provider will review information regarding health alerts and disease risks, emergency phone numbers, as well as general information and what medicines to bring to ensure a safe trip.

Each person receives a consultation to assure the safety of the vaccinations and discuss any medical issues regarding the country or countries they are traveling to. You are charged for a consultation/evaluation fee and the cost of the vaccines.

In most cases, appointments can be made for the next day.

  • These vaccines are available to the general public for anyone over the age of 14.
  • If you have a large group going overseas, we can arrange to have the vaccines administered at the worksite.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website lists required and recommended vaccines for international travel.


A robust Immunization/Vaccination program is an important component of protecting an employee against communicable diseases. In health sensitive workplaces, preventing the spread of certain diseases is extremely important and often required by law.

Common diseases usually vaccinated against include measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and influenza. To prevent redundant or unnecessary vaccination, it’s recommended that individuals get an antibody titer blood test to check for immunity before receiving a vaccination. Titers and vaccinations can be done at any Banner Occupational Health Clinic.