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10 Easy School Lunch Ideas for Selective Eaters

Did your child come home with a full lunchbox again? Packing a school lunch can sometimes feel like a game of whack-a-mole when you have a picky eater.

Just when you think you’ve nailed down what your child likes, they surprise you by refusing to eat it anymore. This constant shift can make it hard to keep their lunchbox filled with nutritious foods you know they’ll actually eat and enjoy. 

What’s a parent to do? Luckily, we have some tips for you. Julie Lammers, a Banner Children’s registered dietitian, shared 10 healthy school lunch hacks to make lunchtime a bit easier for you and your child.

Why is my child a picky eater?

It’s important to remember that picky eating is often a normal part of your child’s development. 

“Try to avoid labeling your child as a picky eater,” Lammers said. “It has a negative connotation and your child may start to identify themselves as a picky eater, which may limit them in growing outside of this identity.”

It is okay if your child is occasionally a selective eater. It is normal for kids to refuse some foods from time to time and this is one way for them to show independence.

Some kids are naturally more selective because they are sensitive to taste, smell, texture or new things. For others, past feeding difficulties or undiagnosed medical conditions can influence their food preferences. “Maybe certain foods upset their stomach, make their throat itchy or get stuck in their throat,” Lammers said.

Some children may avoid certain foods due to a traumatic experience, like choking on food. 

Understanding these hurdles is the first step in helping your child develop healthier eating habits.

Ten lunchbox hacks for selective eaters

1. Get your child involved

Let your child help pack their lunch. 

“Include your child in meal planning, grocery shopping and preparation of the foods you put in their lunch bag,” Lammers said. “Kids are more likely to eat what they’ve chosen themselves.”

Offer them healthy options and let them pick their favorites. This gives them a sense of control and makes them excited about their lunch. You can create a lunchbox menu for the week, allowing them to choose from different categories like proteins, fruits, veggies and snacks. 

2. Make it fun

Presentation matters, especially for selective eaters. “Making things into fun shapes using cookie cutters for things like melon, pineapple, sandwiches and cucumbers,” Lammers said. 

3. Use fun lunch containers

There’s something magical about a lunchbox packed with tiny compartments. Colorful containers and bento boxes can help keep foods separated, which is helpful for children who might not like their food to be touched. You can also use small, colorful silicone cups.

4. Mix in familiar foods with a new one

While hiding vegetables in foods can be a strategy, Lammers cautions: “How will they start enjoying them if they don’t see them or know they are eating them?” Instead, she suggests combining foods with favorites to introduce new tastes and textures. 

For example, add butternut squash to mac n’ cheese or grate carrots into spaghetti sauce. This way, your child gets the nutrients they need in a way that makes the veggies appealing. 

5. Offer dipping sauce

Include healthy dips like hummus, yogurt, salsa or guacamole. Pair them with veggies, whole grain crackers or chicken strips. Dipping makes eating more interactive and fun. You can also experiment with different flavors and textures of dips to find what your child enjoys the most.

6. Use leftovers creatively

Turn dinner leftovers into lunch. For example, use leftover grilled chicken to make wraps or quesadillas. This saves time and gives your child a chance to enjoy a familiar meal. You can also repurpose leftovers into new dishes, like turning roasted vegetables into a pasta salad or using cooked rice to make fried rice.

7. Pack a balanced meal

Aim for a balance of lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, veggies and low-fat dairy. Having a balance of nutrients can help provide lasting energy and keep them fuller for longer. Use the "MyPlate" guide to ensure you include all the essential food groups in their lunch.

8. Try homemade Lunchables

Lunchables are popular but they’re also expensive and, sometimes, not the healthiest option. Instead of buying the store version, make your own. Pack small sections of deli meat, cheese, whole grain crackers, fruits and veggies. You can even throw in some fun treats every once in a while, like mini cookies or pretzels. 

9. Be open to change. 

It’s normal for kids to be picky about food and it’s okay if they don’t always eat everything you pack. Just keep offering a mix of new and familiar foods and make mealtimes a relaxed, enjoyable part of the day. Over time, they may become more open to trying new foods when they feel less pressure around eating. 

Final thoughts

Packing lunch for a selective eater can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. With these lunchbox hacks, you can make mealtime more enjoyable and get your child excited about eating different types of foods. 

It’s normal for kids to refuse some foods from time to time. However, this could be a problem if they are avoiding entire food groups, losing (or not gaining) weight or causing a lot of strain on the family. If you have concerns, speak with your child’s health care provider and consider a referral to a speech therapist specialized in feeding therapy, a registered dietitian or a Banner Health specialist. 

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