Lethal Means Suicide Prevention

Secure Firearm Practice and Lethal Means Suicide Prevention

In our critical role as advocates for mental health and well-being, it is imperative to address challenging yet essential topics to ensure the safety of our members and communities. Let’s focus on a topic that demands our attention: suicide prevention through responsible firearm safety practices.

Maricopa County alone recorded 863 firearm-related deaths in 2022, with a staggering 56% attributed to suicide. Notably, the rates of firearm-related suicides increased by 7% compared to other methods, underscoring the urgent need for targeted intervention strategies. In Pima County, firearm deaths in 2023 totaled 213, with 66% ruled as suicides. Of the decedents, 87% were male and the majority were between the ages of 20-49. These statistics highlight the critical importance of addressing firearm safety and mental health in our communities.

Encouraging individuals to seek support from trusted sources, including crisis lines like 988 for immediate assistance, National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK), and Warm Lines, can provide crucial support during difficult times.

Our Role in Firearm Safety

As healthcare providers, we play a pivotal role in educating and supporting individuals and families in adopting safe storage practices for firearms. While some individuals may assume members do not own a firearm at all, oftentimes that is not the reality. Hence, encouraging members to store firearms securely in locked cabinets or safes can substantially reduce impulsive access during moments of crisis.

It's crucial to recognize that standard safety measures may not suffice during acute mental health crises. Gun locks serve as a vital tool in mitigating the fear of gun owners losing control over their firearms, especially during challenging times. By securely locking firearms while other trusted individuals hold the keys, gun owners can maintain a sense of security knowing that their firearms are safe guarded while still in their possession.

Other Crisis Safety Practices

It is common practice to ask a friend or loved one to temporarily hold firearms for safety reasons. When considering this option, it is crucial to identify a responsible individual and discuss this plan with them before any crisis occurs. Providing the firearm with a gun lock already in place can help mitigate concerns of misuse. If there are any doubts about the individual’s ability to safely handle the firearm, consider giving them a critical component of the weapon that renders it inoperable, such as the barrel, magazine(s) or recoil spring. This approach ensures the firearm cannot be used without the missing part, enhancing overall safety.

Available Resources

Firearm owners can choose from a variety of locking devices, including trigger locks, cable locks, lock boxes and gun safes. Cable locks and lock boxes are often the most affordable options, and some police departments have programs to distribute these types of locking devices for free. Additionally, educational resources such as UC Davis provide comprehensive firearm safety education.

At Banner – University Family Care, we are committed to fostering a culture of safety and support within our communities. Behavioral health providers are dedicated to promoting holistic approaches to mental health as an instrument to creating positive change. Together, we advocate for responsible gun safety practices, raise awareness and provide compassionate support to those in need. Your efforts can make a profound difference in saving lives and creating a safer, more supportive community for all.

Understanding and Coping with Suicide Loss

If a friend or loved one completes suicide after having their firearm returned to them, it is important to understand that the responsibility does not lie with the person who returned the firearm. Feelings of guilt or grief are natural and seeking counseling or support can be beneficial during this time. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. Grieving a suicide loss is a complex process, encompassing a range of emotions in our hearts and minds. 

Please consider utilizing or sharing the Suicide Grief and Loss resources listed below:

  1. Solari can help guide you to resources. Call 988.
  2. To find a support group try America Foundation for Suicide Prevention SOS groups.
  3. For education and tips on surviving the loss of suicide

Firearm Resources:

  1. Lock Education: UC Davis provides comprehensive information on firearm safety and locking devices, offering valuable insights for both firearm owners and advocates.
  2. Free Gun Lock Resources:
    • Project Child Safe offers safety kits for firearm owners, promoting responsible firearm storage practices.
    • BeConnected provides resources for veterans and their families, recognizing the unique challenges they may face in firearm safety.
    • Pima County Attorney's Office offers free gun locks, ensuring accessibility to essential safety tools within the community.
  3. Firearm Disposal Guide: Properly dispose of firearms with resources from the ATF and FastBound, promoting safe and responsible firearm management practices.