Preventing Opioid and Fentanyl Misuse Among Children

Banner – University Family Care (B – UFC) is on a mission to empower parents with knowledge and strategies to recognize warning signs, prevent misuse and intervene compassionately if needed.


We have partnered with providers in local communities to educate parents on:

  1. Recognizing warning signs of opioid/Fentanyl use among children.
  2. Implementing prevention strategies to safeguard children from opioid use.
  3. Intervening compassionately if a child is identified as misusing opioids/Fentanyl.

Social Media Awareness:

  • Educate parents on recognizing opioid/Fentanyl misuse on social media, including highlighting risks, emoji codes, and other warning signs.
  • Note that Fentanyl or fentanyl-laced substances are often sold online via eCommerce websites, social media platforms like Snapchat, or through peer networks, emphasizing the accessibility of substances to children and teens.

Warning Signs

Parents should learn about the following warning signs:

  • Physical Signs: Small pupils, altered respiratory rate, drowsiness, flu-like symptoms, changes in appetite, and concealed arms.
  • Behavioral Signs: Withdrawal from family/friends, changes in hobbies/school performance, isolation, secretive behavior, mood swings, extended absences from home, decreased integrity.
  • Advanced Signs: Missing medication, rainbow-colored pills, missing money or items of value.


Prevention strategies include:

  • Awareness among parents and youth about opioid/Fentanyl dangers.
  • Education on safe practices and how to equip children to identify and avoid risky situations, including communication skills, decision-making, goal setting, and assertiveness training.
  • Develop a safety plan for children, including a discreet code word or emoji for communication. This allows children to signal distress without drawing attention. Parents can support their children by acting as allies, ready to help them exit risky situations without fear of judgment. This collaborative approach fosters trust and empowers families to navigate challenges together.

Identification of paraphernalia includes:

  • Guidance for parents in identifying Fentanyl pills and drug paraphernalia such as lighters, burned crumpled foil, cut straws, glass tubes, burnt spoons/bottle caps, syringes, small bags with powder residue, and missing shoelaces/belts.
  • Information on common tools used for opioid consumption.


Intervention techniques include:

  • Compassionately address suspicions promptly and have open conversations with children about substance use.
  • Compassionate intervention: if a child is suspected of misusing opioids/Fentanyl, it’s important to remain calm and listen.
  • Resources for seeking help and support, including overdose reversal training, access to naloxone, "never use alone" education, and harm reduction strategies.


By empowering parents with knowledge and proactive strategies, we can work together to create safer communities and protect the well-being of our children.

Early recognition of warning signs, proactive prevention efforts, and compassionate intervention are key components in our mission to prevent opioid/Fentanyl misuse.

Let's continue to educate, support, and advocate for the health and safety of our children, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive in drug-free environments. Together, we can make a difference.