Banner Health Plans (BHP) provides language assistance services for our members at no cost. Our services include language interpreter services and translation assistance. We can also provide printed materials in another language or in a different format, such as larger print.
BHP provides language interpretive services for non-English speaking members at no cost. If a member cannot speak to us or one of our health plan providers because of a language barrier, please contact our Customer Care Center. We can arrange for a telephonic interpreter to help.
Members who receive BHP communications but would understand the document better in their native language, can contact our Customer Care Center. We will help coordinate the translation of the material sent.
If a member needs a material or other BHP communications in a different format, such as braille, large print, or other alternate formats, please contact our Customer Care Center.
TTY stands for Text Telephone, and is also known as TDD, Telecommunication Device for those who are deaf. TTY services in the state in Arizona are provided through the Arizona Relay Service 7-1-1.
TTY is a free, 24-hour service for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired. To contact our Customer Care Center, TTY users should call 711. For more information on TTY, please visit
Our Customer Care Center also has free language interpreter services available for non-English speakers.
Nuestro Centro de Atención al Cliente también tiene servicios de intérprete gratis disponible para las personas que no hablan inglés.
This information is available for free in other languages.
This document may be available in other formats such as Braille, large print, or other alternate formats. For additional information, call our Customer Care Center.